Significant Date |
Applications Fees |
Start of application:01/04/2024 |
Fee |
Age Limit (01/07/2024): |
Minumum age requirement: 21 years, |
Post Name | Total Post | Eligibility |
Clerk Cum Cashier | 162 |
A Graduation Degree in any discipline from any University Recognized by India
Jr Bank Manager | 54 |
A Graduation Degree in any discipline from any University Recognized by India
Sr. Bank Manager | 09 |
A Graduation Degree in any discipline from any University Recognized by India
Assistant Manager | 06 |
A Graduation Degree in Economics/Commerce/Statics/Maths As one of the Subjects with at least 55 % from any University Recognized by India |
Manager | 02 |
A Graduation Degree in Economics/Commerce/Statics/Maths As one of the Subjects with at least 60 % from any University Recognized by India And 6 Month Diploma in Computer (If your essential qualification is computer by the recognized Institution then you do not need a computer diploma)
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